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This portfolio was made to document my projects I have made throughout college and hopefully show the skills and experiences I gained whilst doing so. I plan to keep this keep this updated and add more games for others to enjoy.

I enjoy precision platformers which makes all my games exceedingly difficult from the get go and this will only get more prominent the more games I create. Games In this genre like Celeste, Jump King and Getting Over It were so frustrating to play yet I Couldn't divert my attention away from them. They inspire me to improve my own projects whether it be by analysing their level layouts, trying to code similar styled game mechanics or just seeing how they implemented certain areas and admiring their aesthetics.

Hopefully this little introduction has resonated with you and finally I want to thank you for visiting this website :).




My Games


By far the most ambitious project yet I tried to create a game based on a book called 'Dune' and the Theme of Ecology. Set in a black and white world you find yourself in a lab overrun by shadows monsters that have corrupted it. The Voice through your radio is giving you guidance but something does not seem trustworthy about it.

Project Time - as of 2024/02/19

6 Weeks -----> Coming Soon

This game demonstrates the art skills that I gained in the span of the year. The game had a challenge for every new idea I wanted to implement and was a really great experience

Project Time - 3 Months


This was my first game I ever produced which introduced to working with C# and Unity as a viable game engine. The game is car parkour obstacle course and currently is the most difficult thing I have ever created.

Project Time - 2 Months

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